Our CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support will provide you with a nationally recognised qualification that is highly regarded within the sector. This course will prepare you for work as a direct care worker, or supervisor, helping and supporting clients so that they can reach their full potential.
Qualification reflects on role of individuals in a range of community settings and peoples’ homes, who provide support in a manner that empowers people with disabilities to achieve greater levels of independence, self-reliance, community participation and wellbeing. Workers promote a person-centred approach, work according to and may contribute to an individualised plan, and work without direct supervision.
Please contact the administration team for more information.
Students are required to undertake the Language, Literacy and Numeracy assessment and Pre -Training Review. This will assist to determine candidate’s suitability and relevance for the course and identification of any support required.
This course provides you with the skills and knowledge to undertake job roles such as:
Victorian residents who undertake training may be eligible for Commonwealth and Victorian Government Funding (Skills First previously known as Victorian Training Guarantee). Use our easy Eligibility Checker to find out if you’re eligible for Victorian Government Funding. Funded places are limited, so be sure to make a timely application.
Qualification Code and Name | Units | Estimated Duration | Administration Charges (Non Refundable) | Skills First Tuition Fee | *Skills First Concession Tuition Fee | Fee For Service |
CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support | 10 | 12 months | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $3500.00 |
This qualification is funded (under Skills First Program) for eligible candidates only for Non Traineeship and Traineeship
*Concession fee is applicable to eligible students only, as per the latest Skills First Fee Guidelines. Contact AET to check fee concession eligibility.
Please be aware that if your course is being subsidised by the Victorian Government under the Skills First program that enrolling in the above course may affect your future training options and eligibility for further government subsidised training under the Skills First program.
For more information on government subsidised training use the following link: https://www.vic.gov.au/how-check-your-eligibility
The tuition fees are indicative and may be varied subject to individual circumstances on enrolment.
This course has 10 units of competency:
Unit Code | Unit Name | Core/Elective |
CHCCCS044 | Follow established person-centred behaviour supports | Core |
CHCDIS017 | Facilitate community participation and social inclusion | Core |
CHCDIS018 | Facilitate ongoing skills development using a person-centred approach | Core |
CHCDIS019 | Provide person-centred services to people with disability with complex needs | Core |
CHCLEG003 | Manage legal and ethical compliance | Core |
CHCMHS001 | Work with people with mental health issues | Core |
HLTWHS003 | Maintain work health and safety | Core |
CHCADV001 | Facilitate the interests and rights of clients | Elective |
CHCCCS004 | Assess co-existing needs | Elective |
CHCCOM002 | Use communication to build relationships | Elective |