Explore the various career pathways with School Based Education Support courses

AET has always recognised the importance of education and what impact it can have on the lives of children. Apart from the important role a teacher plays in a student’s life, we equally acknowledge the crucial part an education support worker plays in a school setting as both the teacher and the aides work hand in hand ensuring a seamless work through in a learning environment. From effectively handling classroom challenges to striving to attain a better learning atmosphere for students, a support worker plays a diverse role in the education sector.

In this blog, we are trying to help you find out the career outcomes of the CHC40221 Certificate IV in School Based Education Support course that not only offer stable growth in your career but also lead you to lucrative job roles. Let’s have a glance at some of the career outcomes as well as some of the interesting insights about each one. Trust me some of these might astonish you.

  1. Education Aides

One of the important job roles that course CHC40221 Certificate IV in Early Childhood Education and Care can land you is Education Aide.

Key Skills

In their versatile role, Education Aides undertake key duties ranging from collaborating with educators to enhance learning experiences, providing personalised care and academic support for preschoolers and children, guiding social skill development, and supporting diverse student groups through home-school settings and counselling. These multifaceted contributions underscore the vital role Teachers’ Aides play in enriching the overall educational journey.


– Employment Statistics reveal that there are currently 116,700 employed Education Aides with an anticipated 17.4% future growth by the year 2026*.

– Financial Overview:

  This job role might offer you competitive weekly earnings of up to $1,137*.

Education Aides are indispensable contributors to inclusive education, with a promising future. Stay tuned for deeper insights into this rewarding profession.

2.      Teachers Aide

After completing CHC40221 Certificate IV in School Based Education Support, teachers’ aides play a vital role in supporting teaching staff and facilitating various classroom tasks.

Key Tasks:

Teachers’ Aides play a crucial role in fostering a holistic learning environment. Their contributions span various facets, encompassing child development through activities that enhance physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth. They meticulously prepare both indoor and outdoor spaces, creating conducive areas for learning and recreational activities. Offering invaluable academic support, Teachers’ Aides assist children, particularly those facing intellectual, physical, or behavioural challenges. They extend their guidance to individual children, fostering the development of essential social skills. In addition, Teachers’ Aides actively contribute to the seamless functioning of the classroom by preparing teaching aids, handling logistical aspects like distributing and collecting lesson materials, and ensuring a well-supported and enriched educational experience.

Employment Statistics:

-The profession includes 58,800* employees.

Teachers’ Aides, with formal qualifications, contribute significantly to creating a supportive learning environment. The profession accommodates a diverse range of roles within the educational landscape.

3.      Home Tutors

Home tutors provide personalised education at students’ homes, alleviating parental pressure on home education.

Currently employing 42,400 people, the industry is set to witness future growth of 13.6%*.


Home tutors are educational architects, customising learning experiences:

They plan tailored study programs, covering theory and practice. Assigning personalised exercises, they assess, advise, and encourage students. Managing curricula, they prepare for assessments and stay updated on subject developments. In essence, home tutors shape personalised, enriching learning journeys for their students.

Home tutors play a crucial role in shaping academic success within the familiar environment of students’ homes.

4.      Integration Aides

Integration Aids support the development of children with developmental disabilities in mainstream schools.

Employment statistics reveal that there are currently 19,000 integration aides.

Key Tasks:

In the realm of education, integration aids play a vital role in ensuring inclusive learning environments within mainstream schools. Their contributions include enhancing the overall development of children through a variety of activities. Additionally, they meticulously prepare both indoor and outdoor spaces to facilitate effective learning and recreational activities.

Moreover, Integration Aides offer crucial support to children facing intellectual, physical, and behavioural difficulties, focusing on academic studies and fostering individualised growth in social skills. In doing so, they contribute significantly to creating an inclusive and supportive atmosphere for every child.

These are a few options but just a part of the numerous job roles. Once you grab the qualification CHC40221 Certificate IV in School Based Education Support you will see a plethora of job opportunities. The industry expert trainers, modern and technologically advanced facilities, and flexible classes ensure you grab the skills and make a seamless transition to your workplace.

Join AET to be a part of this fulfilling journey ahead.